Sue Fue La Luz.
Sue Fue La Luz. *
“Se Fue La LUZ ay! Se Fue la LUZ”
Back en Republica Dominicana the light has gone out for the forcible night, yet the street is lively people are cheering and have taken to the street, one of the fondest memories I have of being back home during one of these frequent blackouts is playing chicken in the middle of the street( we used a damp tank top) . My first time coming here and seeing Times Square I thought to myself shit I bet these nights never go out. There's a certain resiliencency that needs to be had living in this city A tale of two cities, where you can be from the city but at the same time very far removed. I’ve always been enamored with the ability of the diaspora to make light of daunting situations. To make room in spaces where they are unwanted, demanding to be seen and respected always finding a shed of optimism.